Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Funny things from work....

So I'm at work, using the computer for personal business which is so against the rules (while wearing open toed shoes! also against the rules) but I decided to write a short blog on what funny things have happened at work through our work email.
So there's this guy Joel who works at one of the other stores, in Nashville I think, who I seriously want to be best friends with. We often email all the other stores if we have a customer who is looking for a specific book, and this was one of the emails that he sent out:
"Does anyone have any extra copies of the YA book Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg? It's by Gail Carson Levine and if you scratch the cover and sniff it, it smells just like a book cover."

On another email he signed off "I aint no holla back girl, Joel"
Ha, I look forward to his emails cause everyone else's are boring. BUT... then today someone from another store just sent out an "urgent" email about a customer needing two books about verbal abuse. I am thinking about replying and saying "No we don't have that dang book and I can't believe you'd be so incompetent as to ask around for someone else. You are a lousy salesperson! You should be driving from store to store to find it for your customer rather than just emailing! You are so worthless, and I can't believe you still work for this company! They should have fired your sorry butt years ago!!!!" So what do you think? Too much?

Just kidding by the way, I'm so not sending that email! Hope y'all's lives are wonderful! We miss you Vivian!

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